The Reactive Flows and Metrology (RSM) department specialises in the optical investigation of reactive flows. One of these measurement techniques is Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), which will be used to investigate a CO2-free cycle process for energy storage as part of the Clean Circles project. Storage facilities with long release times and high energy densities are becoming increasingly important as the expansion of renewable energies continues. In the cycle process of the Clean Circles project, the energy generated from renewable sources is stored by reducing iron oxide particles. The resulting iron particles can store the energy again, separated in time and space, by oxidising (or burning) the iron.
Experimental data are needed to develop a better understanding, as well as to validate and improve modelling of the detailed processes occurring during reduction and oxidation. For this purpose, the elemental composition of iron and iron oxide particles will be investigated using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy.
Start: Immediately
Support by: Maximilian Dorscht