Adrian Breicher
PhD Student
Co-operative doctorate with TU Darmstadt
Green hydrogen is an ideal energy carrier that enables efficient and low-emission energy conversion from renewable energies. Compared to methane, the main component of natural gas, the characteristic properties of hydrogen also allow particularly lean combustion, which reduces combustion temperatures and component loads and minimises CO2 emissions. However, a detailed understanding of the interaction of turbulence and reaction chemistry is required in order to effectively utilise the advantages of hydrogen, particularly in highly turbulent applications such as gas turbines. This is necessary to minimise the risks of extinguishing and to enable safe operation with hydrogen. This research should make a significant contribution to the development of safe and environmentally friendly hydrogen-based energy technologies.
In order to analyse the special properties of hydrogen, methane flames with gradual addition of the green energy carrier are investigated in both laminar and turbulent flow configurations. Specially developed flow apparatuses are used here, which enable operation under clearly defined boundary conditions. The interaction of flow and reaction progress can be quantified by measuring the flow field using particle image velocimetry (PIV) and recording the reaction fronts using laser-induced fluorescence of OH radicals (OH-LIF). These two laser-based measurement techniques make it possible to analyse parameter influences on the combustion process without disturbing the process during the measurement.
Butz, D.; Breicher, A.; Barlow, R. S.; Geyer, D.; Dreizler, A. (2022): Turbulent multi-regime methane-air flames analysed by Raman/Rayleigh spectroscopy and conditional velocity field measurements. In: Combust. Flame (09), S. 111941. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.111941.
Engelmann, Linus; Wollny, Patrick; Breicher, Adrian; Geyer, Dirk; Chakraborty, Nilanjan; Kempf, Andreas (2023): Numerical analysis of multi-regime combustion using flamelet generated manifolds - a highly-resolved Large-Eddy Simulation of the Darmstadt multi-regime burner. In: Combust. Flame 251, S. 112718. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.112718.
Fiorina, Benoît; Luu, Tan Phong; Dillon, Samuel; Mercier, Renaud; Wang, Ping; Angelilli, Lorenzo et al. (2023): A joint numerical study of multi-regime turbulent combustion. In: Appl. Energy Combust. Sci., S. 100221. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaecs.2023.100221.
Luo, Yujuan; Ferraro, Federica; Breicher, Adrian; Böttler, Hannes; Dreizler, Andreas; Geyer, Dirk et al. (2023): A novel flamelet manifold parametrization approach for lean CH4–H2-air flames. In: Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.09.233.
Butz, David; Walther, Steffen; Breicher, Adrian; Hartl, Sandra; Hasse, Christian; Dreizler, Andreas; Geyer, Dirk (Hg.) (2019): Combined PIV/SO2-PLIF experiments for multi-mode combustion. Proceedings. 9th European Combustion Meeting (ECM). Lisboa, ESP. The Combustion Institute.
Breicher, Adrian; Shi, Shuguo; Wagner, Jakob; Barlow, R. S.; Dreizler, Andreas; Geyer, Dirk: Experimental Investigation of thermo-diffusive instabilities on polyhedral H2-CH4 Bunsen flames. Proceedings. 11th European Combustion Meeting (ECM), 2023.
Breicher, Adrian; Löw, Martin; Geyer, Dirk (2021-2021): Experimental Investigation on laminar Bunsen flame configurations of methane/hydrogen and partially dissociated ammonia compositions, 1st Workshop of the EUt+ Sustainability Lab. 1st Workshop of the EUt+ Sustainability Lab. European University of Technology EUt+. Virtual workshop, 2021.
Butz, David; Walther, Steffen; Breicher, Adrian; Hartl, Sandra; Hasse, Christian; Dreizler, Andreas; Geyer, Dirk (Hg.) (2019): Simultaneous PIV/SO2-PLIF imaging in multi-regime combustion processes, CERC 2019. Proceedings. Collaborative European Research Conference. Darmstadt. CERC 2019.
Ferraro, Federica; Breicher, Adrian; Luo, Yujuan; Hambruch, Joshua; Dreizler, Andreas; Hasse, Christian et al. (2021): A combined numerical/experimental analysis of hydrogen addition to laminar methane-air jet flames. In: The Combustion Institute Deutsche Sektion e.V. (Hg.): 30. Deutscher Flammentag. für nachhaltige Verbrennung. Unter Mitarbeit von F. Dinkelacker, H. Pitsch und V. Scherer (30), S. 272–281.
Lulic, Haris; Breicher, Adrian; Scholtissek, Arne; Lapenna, Pasquale Eduardo; Dreizler, Andreas; Creta, Francesco et al. (2023): On polyhedral structures of lean methane/hydrogen Bunsen flames: Combined experimental and numerical analysis. In: Proc. Combust. Inst. 39 (2), S. 1977–1986. DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.251.
Adrian Breicher
PhD Student
Co-operative doctorate with TU Darmstadt
Green hydrogen is an ideal energy carrier that enables efficient and low-emission energy conversion from renewable energies. Compared to methane, the main component of natural gas, the characteristic properties of hydrogen also allow particularly lean combustion, which reduces combustion temperatures and component loads and minimises CO2 emissions. However, a detailed understanding of the interaction of turbulence and reaction chemistry is required in order to effectively utilise the advantages of hydrogen, particularly in highly turbulent applications such as gas turbines. This is necessary to minimise the risks of extinguishing and to enable safe operation with hydrogen. This research should make a significant contribution to the development of safe and environmentally friendly hydrogen-based energy technologies.
In order to analyse the special properties of hydrogen, methane flames with gradual addition of the green energy carrier are investigated in both laminar and turbulent flow configurations. Specially developed flow apparatuses are used here, which enable operation under clearly defined boundary conditions. The interaction of flow and reaction progress can be quantified by measuring the flow field using particle image velocimetry (PIV) and recording the reaction fronts using laser-induced fluorescence of OH radicals (OH-LIF). These two laser-based measurement techniques make it possible to analyse parameter influences on the combustion process without disturbing the process during the measurement.
Butz, D.; Breicher, A.; Barlow, R. S.; Geyer, D.; Dreizler, A. (2022): Turbulent multi-regime methane-air flames analysed by Raman/Rayleigh spectroscopy and conditional velocity field measurements. In: Combust. Flame (09), S. 111941. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2021.111941.
Engelmann, Linus; Wollny, Patrick; Breicher, Adrian; Geyer, Dirk; Chakraborty, Nilanjan; Kempf, Andreas (2023): Numerical analysis of multi-regime combustion using flamelet generated manifolds - a highly-resolved Large-Eddy Simulation of the Darmstadt multi-regime burner. In: Combust. Flame 251, S. 112718. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.112718.
Fiorina, Benoît; Luu, Tan Phong; Dillon, Samuel; Mercier, Renaud; Wang, Ping; Angelilli, Lorenzo et al. (2023): A joint numerical study of multi-regime turbulent combustion. In: Appl. Energy Combust. Sci., S. 100221. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaecs.2023.100221.
Luo, Yujuan; Ferraro, Federica; Breicher, Adrian; Böttler, Hannes; Dreizler, Andreas; Geyer, Dirk et al. (2023): A novel flamelet manifold parametrization approach for lean CH4–H2-air flames. In: Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.09.233.
Butz, David; Walther, Steffen; Breicher, Adrian; Hartl, Sandra; Hasse, Christian; Dreizler, Andreas; Geyer, Dirk (Hg.) (2019): Combined PIV/SO2-PLIF experiments for multi-mode combustion. Proceedings. 9th European Combustion Meeting (ECM). Lisboa, ESP. The Combustion Institute.
Breicher, Adrian; Shi, Shuguo; Wagner, Jakob; Barlow, R. S.; Dreizler, Andreas; Geyer, Dirk: Experimental Investigation of thermo-diffusive instabilities on polyhedral H2-CH4 Bunsen flames. Proceedings. 11th European Combustion Meeting (ECM), 2023.
Breicher, Adrian; Löw, Martin; Geyer, Dirk (2021-2021): Experimental Investigation on laminar Bunsen flame configurations of methane/hydrogen and partially dissociated ammonia compositions, 1st Workshop of the EUt+ Sustainability Lab. 1st Workshop of the EUt+ Sustainability Lab. European University of Technology EUt+. Virtual workshop, 2021.
Butz, David; Walther, Steffen; Breicher, Adrian; Hartl, Sandra; Hasse, Christian; Dreizler, Andreas; Geyer, Dirk (Hg.) (2019): Simultaneous PIV/SO2-PLIF imaging in multi-regime combustion processes, CERC 2019. Proceedings. Collaborative European Research Conference. Darmstadt. CERC 2019.
Ferraro, Federica; Breicher, Adrian; Luo, Yujuan; Hambruch, Joshua; Dreizler, Andreas; Hasse, Christian et al. (2021): A combined numerical/experimental analysis of hydrogen addition to laminar methane-air jet flames. In: The Combustion Institute Deutsche Sektion e.V. (Hg.): 30. Deutscher Flammentag. für nachhaltige Verbrennung. Unter Mitarbeit von F. Dinkelacker, H. Pitsch und V. Scherer (30), S. 272–281.
Lulic, Haris; Breicher, Adrian; Scholtissek, Arne; Lapenna, Pasquale Eduardo; Dreizler, Andreas; Creta, Francesco et al. (2023): On polyhedral structures of lean methane/hydrogen Bunsen flames: Combined experimental and numerical analysis. In: Proc. Combust. Inst. 39 (2), S. 1977–1986. DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.251.